Sunday, May 14, 2017

Worlds best mom

Why I love her:
She is my mom
She is quite funny
She makes me laugh
She has a nose like mine.
When she does something inappropriate, she all the sudden has no memory of doing it! LOL
she puts up with all my siblings
she won't leave house without make up on
she is the best baker
she will drop what she is doing to help me
she has freckles
She screams and jumps if she sees a spider, snake, or any little critter!
She reads her scriptures and prays daily
she wears workout capris with her swimsuit. ha ha
she finally gave up her mom jeans. 
She is easily amused (meep meep)
She calls me to tell me the stupidest jokes, because she knows I will laugh!
She loves her grandkids (most of the time)
She still gets on the ground and plays with them. 
She is full of love
She LOVES to read
I love her because she is AWESOME!
Happy Mother's Day!

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