Thursday, January 5, 2017

Potty Training TMI

 Day 1: I woke up and said today is the day! While Karsyn was distracted I went and took all his diapers out of his drawer and stuck them under his bed. He was NOT happy! Total melt down. He marched right in his room and found them. I put him in long shirt and nothing underneath.  I made two charts and said if you fill one up you can pick any toy out. If he filled out the second chart I would take him to Chuck E Cheese. He liked that idea. I hardly ever give my kids pop, so Karsyn was loving it. He drank it super fast and had to pee every 2 minutes. I never had to put him on toilet he went all by himself. He did have a couple accidents on the bathroom floor, but it is better then carpet. He is not a morning person so the first hour is a nightmare.

Day 2: Getting better, still wants diapers on. I told him not till bed time, so pretty much all day he told me he wanted to take a nap.

He goes back and fourth between small toilet and big toilet. I wish he would just pick the big one. I am tired of cleaning out the little one. He thinks he needs to wipe after each time he pees, and so we have gone through a roll already! I guess I can't complain at least he is going!

Day 3: Super star! Still doesn't do well in morning, but no accidents on carpet. Today I started to put him in underwear and he was screaming no underwear. The first pair of underwear was hard to get off in time and had an accident in bathroom. I helped with the second pair and he made it in time. He has been holding his poop, because he doesn't want to poop in toilet. I heard him grunting in bathroom hiding in corner with underwear on...I hurried and stuck him on toilet while kicking and screaming and he went. He got super excited and yelled Hurray I DID it. Let me tell you how excited I was it wasn't in his underwear!!!! I told Karsyn it was bedtime and he went up stairs and brought me his pajamas and nothing else. I said where is your night time diaper. He said, "I don't need diapers I need my big boy underwear!" Really did I just hear that!

Did I mention how much I love potty training. It could be the death of  ME!!!
wish me luck for day 4!

All filled up and on number 2

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