Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Before school

Kadyn has been fighting me on cutting his hair. He says he wants a new hair style. I am not sure what he is going for. Since I don't have anything important going on like family pictures, I will let him think he is winning the battle for now.

I told her she looked like a clown and she gave me this look. She puts her ear muffs on top of her hat. I think its goofy, so I got my camera out to take a picture and she took them off quickly.

I decided to venture out and go to the Children's museum, because it was a free day. Brandyn told me the roads were fine. So I decided to get my big girl panties on and go. I barely got off my street when I almost slid into another car. REALLY!!! I almost turned back around, but Adisyn had her heart set on going. We made it there and back in one piece. I called Brandyn up to chew him out. He said I don't know how you managed that. So he came home and went up and down the street speeding, slamming on his breaks, doing whatever he could to reenact what I did. And of course he didn't slide nothing. He thinks it was all in my head. That is the last time I believe him!

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