Sunday, August 11, 2019

wellness check and eye problem

Had a nerf gun war at cousins house and it ended with dart in Kadyn's eye and him screaming he went blind. When we got home I took him into the doctor. His eye had blood in it. The doctor was concerned about the blood and more could rupture in back of eye and make him go blind. So they put him on steroid eye drops and he was grounded to the couch for 10 days. He wasn't happy at all. We went back a week later and the blood was out of the eye in front but could still have problems. They said cells were still floating in back of eye and the muscle that open and closes the pupil was damaged forever and would always be bigger then the other. kind of scary from just a stupid nerf dart. So moral of the story Wear eye protection always! 

yearly wellness check: Ashlyn 4ft 6 in and weighs 62lbs

Kadyn 4ft 9in and weighs 72lbs

going back again to the eye doctor 

doing tests 

if you look close enough at the black pupil you will see how much bigger the right eye is then the left. It is really weird looking. 

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