Tuesday, August 7, 2018


I had to go take a test in LA Grand so Brandyn took kids on an adventure while I took a 2 hour test. 

This little bird either fell from the nest or the mom pushed it out of the nest. either way the bird was gong to get eaten by the neighbor cat. I told Brandyn to move it, and he told me I was ridiculous. But I wouldn't leave till he did. The mom bird saw the cat and started making these loud noises and swooping in and trying to make the cat go away. Brandyn went to go find gloves and while he did the cat was getting closer and licking its chops. I was screaming get away get away. I yelled for Brandyn to hurry (he was going as slow as possible) and it scared the baby bird and it flew kind of and jumped across the yard. but the cat was following it. I didn't have time to wait so I ran and got gloves and picked it up and placed back in nest. The bird jumped out again into the bushes and the cat started walking away. By this time we were already late for church. When we came back the bird was no where to be seen. SO I don't know how this story ended all I know is I didn't see it. 


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