Monday, August 19, 2019

Fariwell bend

Our friends from Walla Walla invited us to go boating with them. They drove 3 hours and we drove a hour. When we got there I got my kids already to go, so when they arrived they wouldn't be waiting on us. Laura said, "Hey did you notice anything?" I responded with No what! She said. all the water is gone. I looked and sure enough there wasn't enough water to go boating. The island that we saw is normally covered and the boat ramp is normally filled to the top. The kids weren't disappointed but jumped and ran into the water. I did see the sign that said no swimming by the dock. but since there wasn't enough water for boats I didn't think it was a big deal. About 5 minutes later a park ranger came walking down to the boar dock. I thought he was going to yell at us for swimming near the dock! He said, "Just wanted to make sure you saw the sign about the blue algae. I was like what!!! Out of the 4 adults non of us saw this sign. I made the kids get out immediately. When we walked back to the car we still never saw the sign. anyways... we went back home within 30 minutes. 

Lura Hafen! We sure love her and think she is so great! 

To make up for not going boating or swimming we went to the 203 pond and swam for a couple hours. The kids had fun catching fish and throwing rocks. 

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