Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Valentines week

I swear it hasn't stopped snowing here...

B and I were suppose to go out on Valentine's Day. Plans were cancelled since he went to the E.R

He had kidney stones. 

He pretty much was dying. You can't get him to go to the doctors EVER! So I knew he was in pain!  

This child of mine! He comes in and shows me what he had done. It made me laugh I haven't had to deal with this kind of stuff for a long time. He normally just sits and colors. I have never had a problem with him doing this. I asked why? He said he wanted to make tattoos. I turn around to start a bath and he disappears. I call his name to get in the tub Now! He wouldn't come so I had to go find him...

This time he added a mustache. 

He yells surprise and lifts up his shirt. 

It was everywhere and guess what...I think out of a box of markers there was 1 that wasn't washable and he found that one!!! 

 The circles around his nipples makes me laugh. Seriously who does that! 
I went and got my oil changed and he went and helped him self to the sucker jar. One for each hand apparently. 

 I bet they tasted real good together. One was blue raspberry and the other was root beer. 

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