Friday, November 2, 2018


I was talking to my neighbors and mentioned I would like to learn how to can someday. Not thinking twice about it. The next thing I know that neighbor talked to my other neighbor and I was getting phone calls about canning. They drove to Vale to get a box full of apples for me and also brought me jars. The next thing I know we had a date! They couldn't believe I have never canned before. She told me how to can. I am making a post so I don't forget! 

Step 1: Clean the apples really well because they have been sprayed. 

step 2: cut the apples into 4ths 

step 3: put in roasters to cook for 1 hour add 3 or 4 cups of water 
put on med to start to boil then simmer on level 2 and put lid on so steam softens them. stirring occasionally so sugar doesn't stick to bottom and burn. 

Step 4: set oven at 350 degrees and cook jars upside down for 5 min. Turn off oven but leave jars in oven to stay warm. 

when they get soft and mushy...
step 5: take over to this awesome machine that separates the apple from the core and peels. Get 2 pie tins next to each opening. When they get full pour Apple sauce into another bowl. Dump the other stuff in garbage. 

Step 6: put water in sauce pan and add lids and put on low so the rubber doesn't cook off. use a magnetic stick to take out of hot water and place on jars. 

Step 7: Get jars ready with funnel.

Step 8: fill canaster half way with water so water goes right over canning jars. Get the water to a boil 

Step 9: Spoon apple sauce into jars and wipe sides of jar of excess apple sauce (won't seal if there is any on side) 

Sept 10: screw lids on jars tightly and stick into canister for 25 minutes. 
Step 11: Then take out with tongs and stick on towel and wait 24 hours to move jars from counter. 
Step 12: make sure they are sealed and have popped 

All done thanks to Janice, Dolores, and Alayna 

My pretty pink applesauce 

The box of apples made 16 pint sized jars cost me $13.00 for apples and 3.00 for lids. Jars were given to me. 

This was the cool machine that did everything and made it super easy! 

Hopefully I remembered every step! 

P.S All three ladies had a different way of canning! It was quite amusing listening to them argue about it. 

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