Monday, March 19, 2018

random weekly pics

Karsyn gave the prayer in Primary. He was so excited to do it. 

It was the first sunny day in a long time. So we headed to the park to feed the ducks. Karsyn liked the idea until all the birds were getting a little too close for comfort. He dropped the bread and took off running. 

These are the moments I cherish. It is crazy to think I only have 1.5 years left before he is in Kindergarten. Even though I had a 100 things on my to do list, I just stayed right there. Karsyn never takes naps so this is a big deal! 

Ashlyn has had this cough that won't go away. She has had it for over a month. I called the nurse and told her she isn't sick, no fever, she functions just fine. She said it just needs to run its course. Well I get a phone call Thursday to come and get her for the cough. REALLY??? If my child was ill I wouldn't put her in school. I called to see if they had an appointment for same day. They said No Full. I said what about walk in clinic they said over a 2 hour wait. NO THANK YOU, especially if they are sick! So the nurse said it was probably bronchitis, just call in morning and go see on call doctor. So I called right at 8am thinking  I would get an appointment at 9am and then off to school she goes. Oh no not till 2:30pm. So we kept her home again, just so I wouldn't get another phone call to come get my child. Long story short the doctor asked if anything was hurting or if she was feeling sick and the answer was always NO. well I guess like I thought nothing was wrong with her cough, just needed to run its coarse. ANNOYING!!! BUT...She did have 2 ear infections that were horrible and an ear drum that was bursting. So it was good that I brought her in. But if anyone knows Ashlyn she is a drama queen and everything and anything hurts on this child. It is a good day if only one thing hurts. So the doctor is puzzled and we are really puzzled how her ears don't hurt! We thought after she heard about her ear she would come home and be on the ground rolling around crying. But no she hasn't! It is the weirdest thing!  

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