Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Kadyn came home Friday after school and wouldn't eat anything. Saturday came around and wouldn't eat anything. I thought he just wasn't eating, because he didn't like what was cooked. So I thought I would trick him. I said who wants ice cream and cookies and he still wasn't hungry. So that wasn't like him at all. I asked what his problem was. He said his jaw hurt. Sunday came and went and same thing. He woke me up in the middle of the night crying that his jaw hurt. So I woke up Monday morning and made an appointment. I kept asking him did you get hit by a basketball at practice, did you hit your jaw playing football, did you get hit at recess or PE? He kept saying NO. I was puzzled. We went into the doctors and of course they asked him the samething plus if anyone hit him. The doctor thought it was something (can't remember the name of it) then he started playing with his jaw and it didn't hurt Kadyn. so he ruled that out. then he said I know what it are getting your molars. Really??? I took him in the doctors for that! it seemed like as soon as he was diagnosed with something a miracle happened and he started eating again. What a waste of time. 

Karsyn was all over the place! 

I love my new tank top! 

drinking out of the jug! good thing it was almost empty! 

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