Friday, September 16, 2016

this week

This week has been crazy being a single parent. Both kids in soccer, cub scouts, activity days, it has been busy. I had kids with practice and game at same time across city from each other. We managed to survive so far. Tomorrow they have games at same time on way other end of complex. Next week we start all over.

Karsyn loves to do selfies.

Kids making a teacher gift

 Adisyn loves this game...
If I play this one more time....

At activity days Ashlyn "learned" to decorate cupcakes. She didn't even want to eat it because it took her forever and she kept saying how beautiful it was. But she left it on counter and Karsyn got a hold of it. Now there are finger indents.

Kadyn had practice so we went and played on toys.

Movie night

New hair color. I asked to go back to original hair. I think it looks a little dark.

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