Friday, September 26, 2014

Karsyn 9 months old

he stands up and likes to walk along thing.

 Karsyn gets into everything. Adisyn dropped a marker and he was there in no time to eat it.

Adisyn and Karsyn have a love hate relationship. Adisyn is the first to yell and take things from Karsyn, but noone else is aloud too. She will be the first to voice her opinion if she doesn't like what you are doing to him. For example when we were at the doctors office. This little girl came up to him and Adisyn yelled get a way from him. I told her to calm down she was just saying hi. She didn't like it one bit and started yelling at her. Don't touch him.

Karsyn went to his doctor appointment
height: 29%
weight: 7%
head circ: 57%

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