Monday, November 26, 2012


 We had several reasons why we needed a new car. When the car was finally picked out and the paper work was being completed I had to switch all the stuff from one car to the next. Ashlyn and Kadyn were driving me crazy so I put them in the car seats with their seat belts on, so they wouldn't run around. All the sudden out of nowhere Ashyn starts bawling. I said what is your deal? she responds that is the only car I have ever known. I just love it. I started laughing to myself, because that was a little dramatic. I love that car too, but it is getting too small with three kids. anyways I continued on with switching stuff over and she yelled I need a picture with the car. and then Kadyn wanted one.

The next day Ashlyn was eating breakfast and she was still upset that we bought a new car. She yelled I will never get used to this car EVER!
Another funny story she said  she was, "when we are done using this car can we take it back and get are old one back."
last week we were driving and I can control the radio with the steering wheel, and so Ashlyn can't see me change the stations or the volume. She was listening to "call me maybe" and I didn't want too, so I turned the station. She freaked out and starting yelling, "This is another reason why I don't like this car, because it does crazy things!" ha ha!
I am so excited this car got 32 miles per gallon!

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