Saturday, May 25, 2019

wax musuem

went to watch softball with this guy. I think he loves hanging out with me! 

Ashlyn's class at school did a wax museum. I thought it was pretty neat. Each kid picked a famous person in history and did research. They made a poster board  and dressed up like their character. When you went to each kid they posed and when you hit the button they came to life. She did a great job! 

Conner! Ashlyn's crush shhhhhhh! 

Ashlyn having a break down after puberty class! 
ants in her lunch box, boys being mean, and girls talking about her made her very upset! 

always deer by our house 

Monday, May 20, 2019

out of commission

I was playing indoor soccer on Thursday and I landed on my foot wrong and I thought I broke my foot. The people I play with had to pick me up put me in my car and take me home. I stood up and fell to the ground. I couldn't stand or walk on it. It was so painful. I got home and hopped into the house on my broken toe foot, then crawled to my bedroom. My toes have been so painful because I broke them 3 weeks ago and still haven't healed. But with the other foot in so much pain I couldn't feel my toes. anyways I went into the house and Brandyn made me go immediately to the ER. I didn't want to go I wanted to wait till the next day to see how my foot was, but he made me go! Ashlyn came with me, and spent the remaining hours of her birthday in the ER. The nurse asked what her pigs name was and she didn't know. He said how do you not know. She said, "because I just got it today for my birthday!"  Soon following they put a birthday banner up in the doorway and brought her M&M cookies. That was really nice of them. 

After sitting in there for a while I had X rays done and they said I didn't brake anything just a bad sprain. I was relieved that is wasn't broken, but shocked. Ashlyn wheeled me around and hit several doors. I told her she was fired. When I got into the car she brought the wheelchair back into the hospital and got stuck inside the doors. It was rather amusing. Well apparently the doctors and nurses have a camera watching your every move and they came out to save her. 

I have spent the last 4 days in bed with foot elevated and iced. Today is the first day I have been able to walk on my foot. Hopefully it heals fast. I don't have time for this, I have things to do! 

Ashlyn's 11th birthday

Ashlyn didn't want cake she wanted a pizzookie! 

opening presents 

dessert time! 

Funny story...but she got a pig onesie! 

For her birthday dinner she wanted enchiladas at the local Mexican restaurant!  

quick visit

Karsyn wanted to have a picnic with grandparents when they came. He even made their lunches and spilled the Oreos all over the floor! and stuck them in the baggie and stuck them in the lunch sack. Kind of funny! Good thing my floor was clean! 

picnic at the park 

meeting the other kids when they got off bus! 

Cheering Karsyn on at his tee ball game 

The kids begged my mom to take them to school. She thought we were driving, but joke was on her we walked! LOL Anyone who knows my mom knows she doesn't leave the house without makeup or dressed for the day! The kids on the school bus sure had a laugh! The good thing is she will probably never see those kids again! 

Adisyn volunteered to speak at the school assembly. Who does that??? I was so proud of her. She is brave! 

Mothers Day

going to go play soccer 

How do you get stuck in the net? not the ball your head! 

my kids made me breakfast in bed! 

I received cute little cards from them and a nice necklace with their names on it. 

Karsyn handed me this and said This reminded me of you! Really??? Whales? I couldn't help but laugh!