Sunday, April 30, 2017


We are so proud of Ashlyn. She works really hard and does really well in school. A teacher who isn't her teacher came up to B and Me and told us what a great kid Ashlyn is. She went on and said how helpful and kind she is to other students. I am glad she is like this at school it makes my heart HAPPY!

Karsyn ready to go

Kadyn saw us and came to say hi! I guess we are still cool!


On Friday the three of us went to watch the high school boys play soccer. It was Children with disabilities day. So the kids I work with warmed up with them.

The final score was 7 to 2. WE WON!!!

The sun came out so we headed to a park to play.

This was the first time we went to this park and it was beautiful!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

more soccer and cub scouts

Kadyn had blue and gold banquet. It was a cowboy theme.

Kadyn is advancing in cub scouts. He received some award.

Adisyn and Sophia

Karsyn and Porter drinking root beer floats

Karsyn and Jeddy

Adisyn's 2nd time at the camp.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

building fence

Brandyn and I went for a drive to the Canadian boarder  

 Building fence

Vicki, Isaac and Dale

putting post in for fence

Dan using the post pounder

 Columbia river very low for right now
visiting grave sight a couple days later

Vicki and Brandyn chilling