Friday, March 31, 2017

time for a sibling picture

I wanted a picture of these two.

Then Karsyn freaked because he wanted in the picture. Then of course Adisyn didn't want to be left out. You would think at this age we could have a million great pics. Oh NO!

Almost good...except Karsyn picking his nose.

Science night at school

Kadyn not happy! He wanted to grow out his hair. It was looking rather gross. I told him to pick out a hair cut whether it was getting a trim or something; and we would go get it done. The guy didn't speak good English and didn't understand what he was saying. HA HA! I think it looks great, but Kadyn wasn't happy at all. He wanted his long hair. At least he got his sucker for being a good boy.

The kids school had science night. So of course we had to go. I thought they had a lot of cool experiments. Kadyn took off with his friends once he spotted them and could care less about science. Ashlyn stayed with me and went to all the stations.

They made ice cream.

making slime worms

making slime balls

making bird nests by using yarn, straw, and plants.

writing names and making the ink erase with vinegar. Then reappear!

Don't ask me how gross distrusting snakes have anything do to with anything cool.  


corn snake

making a catapult

made a fossil

Cape time

playing super heros

Can you tell he loves it!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

fire wood time

Brandyn went up to Colville to help out with Betsy and help Dale cut firewood. I went along to make things go faster. He cute while I stacked.

The weather was crazy. The first night it poured down rain with a snow mix. It was really cold. The second and third day was cold but the sun was shining, so it was a productive day. The city of Colville was flooded. I couldn't believe how much water there was.

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Aaron and Karsyn

Kannon's baptism went really well he was anxious to get it done. He practically ran to the font. Wade got his name correctly and it went smoothly! HA HA WADE!

B holding Quincy

Eating treats after Kannon's baptism

Jana stuffing her face...ha ha Jana

Aiden being a pain

Wade choking his daughter!

My mom and Mykle's mom

Kannon's cousins from both sides

They are one day apart.

Mom, Mykle's mom, and Sharon = bonding time

Cute little Quincy

Dad holding Quincy while watching basketball tournament

Ashlyn finally got her baby time