Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Brandyn got Karsyn this kid shave kit. So today he went up to Brandyn and said, "Dad help me shave!" It was the cutest thing. 


Karsyn was loving the snow until it got inside his coat and gloves 

getting ready to go sledding 

This place was crazy busy...

Making snow angels

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

We finished putting on our last Christ ornament 

Santa came and kadyn received a rival gun 

Santa brought Adisyn a craft set. She loves to draw. 

Ashlyn got my life furniture for her "American girl dolls" 

Karsyn loves paw patrol and got a track set 


hot cocoa with sprinkle's (because sprinkles are for winners) and snow man pancakes with bacon and marshmallows and chocolate chips   

Thank you to everyone who texted us, called us, sent a card, or even sent gifts. We really appreciate it. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas eve

Sunday morning bright and early we went to sacrament and sang a lot of Christmas songs 

They sang still still still and Ashlyn and Kadyn played the bells 

 They made a fort for all of them to sleep in

getting along 

making cookies for santa 

opening their one Christmas eve gift 

watching a video Santa sent them 

getting the cookie and milk ready with 9 carrots for the reindeer 

playing games and watching Christmas movies 

playing more games 

finally fell asleep