Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Ronald McDonald House

Ashlyn has been collecting can tabs for over a year and a half. She has been super crazy about it. She goes out of her way to look in garbage's. She finds them in parks and she even looks in parking lots, and creeks for them. We will be hiking or even on a walk and if she sees any type of can she will make everyone stop until she gets that tab. She wants to make a difference in a sick child's life. I think it is awesome, but in order for her to really make a difference she needs to collect 250,000 can tabs. She has collected 3,042, which means she hasn't even put a dent in what she needs. I don't want to shatter her dream of doing it. She had an idea of having her school get involved and help her out. She is getting frustrated because she said she brought it to the attention of the assistant principle and asked her to put it in the morning news. The assistant principle shook her head and said ok, but wasn't  really listening because it never happened. Ashlyn comes home every day and gets upset that she still hasn't announced it. So tomorrow wish her luck she made a poster with the help of me to get her point across. Hopefully it goes well and they are willing to help her out.
This child isn't shy and when she has something in her head she won't stop!

Friday, September 16, 2016

this week

This week has been crazy being a single parent. Both kids in soccer, cub scouts, activity days, it has been busy. I had kids with practice and game at same time across city from each other. We managed to survive so far. Tomorrow they have games at same time on way other end of complex. Next week we start all over.

Karsyn loves to do selfies.

Kids making a teacher gift

 Adisyn loves this game...
If I play this one more time....

At activity days Ashlyn "learned" to decorate cupcakes. She didn't even want to eat it because it took her forever and she kept saying how beautiful it was. But she left it on counter and Karsyn got a hold of it. Now there are finger indents.

Kadyn had practice so we went and played on toys.

Movie night

New hair color. I asked to go back to original hair. I think it looks a little dark.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Brandyn on fire

Every time Brandyn leaves on fire I make him take pictures with the kids.

Every time Karsyn hears a truck he runs to the door too see if it is Brandyn. He says, "Dad come home!" Then I have to tell him No. Then he says, "Dad at work!" kind of sad! On his way through to get to fire in southern California he stopped by Wade's house to see Quincy and the rest of the family. I have the cutest pictures of Brandyn and Quincy but for some reason it won't down load to my computer. I am getting really annoyed!


I was documenting my hair color. It is the same color as Adisyn's hair. My kids always say why did you dye your hair that color. I just needed a change. Well since its not summer anymore and starting to get cold, I wanted to dye it back to my normal hair color.

Getting my hair did!

We went to the grocery store right after I got my hair done. Ashlyn and Adisyn said I like your hair better blond. Really, after listening to them for months tell me to change it back. I can never win.

When I have a good hair day I will add it to my blog!