Monday, January 20, 2014

meeting for the first time

 Eliette and Karsyn
 watching the Broncos play with his gross stache

Friday, January 17, 2014


 Kadyn went to the dentist a couple weeks ago. The dentist said since he had big teeth growing behind his baby teeth they needed to come out. He gave us a month to get them out ourselves or we would have to go back in and pay 100.00 a tooth! Yesterday the first tooth was pulled and today the second one was pulled. Kadyn was not a happy camper. He did wake me up at 3:00am to tell me the tooth fairy came. He cried for a little bit and as soon as I said what about some ice cream he was so over it.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

new year new start

Truth be told, I’m not always the wife, mom, teacher, cook, writer, daughter, or  friend that I wish I were. That is why I’m so very thankful for fresh starts. I know I can’t be perfect. Honestly, I don’t wanna be perfect. But, I love to get a fresh start. Some things I want to steps. I know I won't be able to do them all at once, but at least I have a list to work on.

Get healthier-I want to get back into exercising even though I still have 3 more weeks, eat a little better,  take better care of myself. After having a fourth child, I find myself not liking the way I look. I think it is just easier to hide behind sweat pants or pj's and stay in them all day long. I want to get my sexy back. I want to like the way I look in clothes and a swim suit again!

Love who I am- There are so many things about myself that I want to fix, but I can't. I need to realize its who I am and deal. I want better posture, straight toes, a non bumpy nose. These things have always bothered me growing up, and its probably because I use to get teased about it and it has always stuck with me.

Enjoy my time with my family and have more patience: I feel like lately I have been in the worst mood. I don't know if its because with having a new baby I get no sleep, and then I still have to wake up and take care of a two year old who likes to throw fits, a 5 year old who's going on 17, and a 6 year old who thinks he knows everything. Most days I just want to rip my hair out and lose it. I hope I can fix that soon and be back to my happy self who loves to be a mom.

Stop being a neat freak-My goal this year is to just let things go. I am the type of person who cannot leave my house if there are dishes in the sink, a bed that needs to be made, anything out of place I have to fix it before I go out the door. I want to be able to just leave my laundry or dishes for later to play with my kids.

These are just a few of my personal goals. Cheers to 2014!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Karsyn 2 weeks old

 I keep finding Adisyn in bed with Kadyn at night
 Adisyn is a very good big sister. She loves to give Karsyn kisses!