Sunday, June 30, 2013

more water fun


 Kadyn and Ashlyn playing catch
 eating a fudge bar. I think that was a total mistake!

Kadyn loves to make Adisyn laugh! 

sunny weekend

 The weather here is crazy. It went from rainy and cold to 85 degrees. It felt really hot, but I am not complaining! The kids have been begging to go outside and play in the water so that's what we did.

 Kadyn got a hold of the hose and soaked Brandyn. Brandyn doesn't get mad he gets even.
 This is kadyn taking off...because he knows what is going to happen!
 Brandyn got a hold of him and dunked him in the pool! Kadyn didn't like it at all, because the water was freezing.
Brandyn left the hose down and looked away and kadyn grabbed it again and soaked him sooo bad. I couldn't help but laugh, because it was hilarious!

 Kadyn again took off running and Brandyn grabbed the hose and chased him. Kadyn's pants fell off!

The church in town was having a primary activity. The kids had a blast! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

checking in

 This is the new look Brandyn is sporting. I think it is quite disgusting. I think he just does it to annoy me.
Ashlyn woke up puking her guts out!

The kids watching the deer in the backyard. Adisyn cuddling with her dad


Sunday, June 23, 2013

check ups

 Adisyn went in to the doctors for her 18 month check up. She is getting thin.
Her height is 31 3/8 = 29%
weight is 22.4 lbs = 15%
head is 18 1/2 = 57 %
 Ashlyn went in for her 5 year check up for Kindergarten.
height is 40 1/4 = 9%
weight is 31.8 lbs = 3%
Kadyn didn't have an appointment but he did grow 1 inch!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's day

 for breakfast we had breakfast burritos

 Kadyn setting the table
 For dinner we had steak and corn!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My baby graduated from Kindergarten!

 Kadyn has been really upset the last couple of days. I finally just asked him what his deal was. He broke down and told me he didn't want to graduate kindergarten. I asked why not? he informed me that if he graduates he has to stand in front of everyone and dance and sing. I know I shouldn't have laughed, but I did. I just told him to make the best out of the situation. I said everyone will be doing the same thing so if you just stand there you will be the one to stand out.

 Getting ready...

 These are two of Kadyn's best friends. Red and Noah!
Mrs. McCracken and Kadyn  
 After the ceremony the kids went back to the classroom and sang a song and ate cupcakes.

 I was so proud of Kadyn. He was the only one in his classroom that received an award. The award was for being an awesome person all the time., showing respect to teachers and students, being kind, and helpful!
 After we got home apparently he wanted to look smart!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Last assembly of the school year

Kadyn has grown up so much this year. He is Mr. Social and Mr. Independent. He thinks he has it all figured out. I would call him Mr. Know it all. Tomorrow he graduates from Kindergarten!