Tuesday, April 30, 2013

pretty girls

 Olivia and Ashlyn love to put makeup on each other. As you can tell they are really good at it.

The kids made me breakfast!

Monday, April 29, 2013

sun, fun, and moving

 Brandyn's boss is retiring and moving to Oklahoma. Brandyn volunteered his services. So Brandyn spent Saturday helping pack up his bosses stuff. Brandyn said it was going to be quick. I didn't mind because it was a 85 degree day. The only problem is I can't remember the last time we saw sun. So it made for a long day. The kids were burnt like a crisp. We could only find so many things to do...Adisyn of course was being a total butt munch. She would just scream and through herself of the floor. That seems like an every day occurrence now a days. After about 2 hours the kids said they were hungry so we went and got lunch, and then went back to the park and had a picnic. after another hour the kids had it, so I asked them what they wanted to do and they wanted to go get ice cream. I was so down for that! After we got ice cream and headed back to the park Brandyn called and said he was done. Thank goodness.

 getting ice cream

 Brandyn brought the moving truck back to our house for the night. Then at 8:00 am Saturday he headed to Oklahoma driving this huge truck. His boss followed behind with his camping trailer and truck! I was just glad it wasn't me...who knows how many things I would have hit! the kids got really excited and jumped in the truck!
I sure do miss my hubby!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The sun was shining!

Today we went to little eagles and then I had the opportunity to go clean the church building. Since the kids were somewhat good, I let them run around for a while. Adisyn went and tackled Ashlyn and then kadyn thought that was a good idea and went after her.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


 We needed some sunshine so we headed over the mountain to go see Wade and Mykle and their kiddos.
 We went to some kids fest at the park. The kids loved it!

 Kadyn was so proud of himself, he can finally go all the way to the other side on the monkey bars.

 Mykle got the cutest hair cut. It looks fabulous. I know that if I talk to my mom she would want  to see it at every angle, so I made Mykle pose for me!  

Thanks guys we had fun:)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


 Kadyn had a friend over! But this happens every time...
 Ashlyn takes over! ha ha!


Monday, April 15, 2013


 Brandyn had a work  retirement party to go too. We decided to go play at an indoor pizza place then to go be bored and have the kids jumping all over the place!

Kadyn got an award for being kind in the classroom! That makes me proud. I always wonder if the things I teach him will be put into play! I guess hard work has paid off!