Wednesday, August 18, 2021


more Dr. visits 



This girl got braces on...She is so excited to finally get pretty teeth. 



Mom's birthday party

same age 

Going to Hawaii for her birthday! 

going swimming 

cousin time 


movie night 


Western pictures in Leavenworth

I have always wanted to do this...So we did! 


Leavenworth and wedding

more swimming 

being a teenager 

still being a teenager 

I love Leavenworth. This is my favorite place to go. I Love it the most in the winter, but it is still a beautiful place any time of year. 

On our way to my cousins wedding. 

I saw a lot of family that I haven't seen in years. The only time I see them anymore is at a funeral. We had quite a few funerals a couple years back. 

Beautiful skies