Sunday, June 14, 2020


We watched a Robin build a nest while doing home school. After the nest was built, we went and checked every day to see if there was eggs. I gave up after a couple weeks, and was going to take it down. Ashlyn was checking and went to grandmas house. The night we were ready to take it down B saw baby birds already hatched and moving. How in the world do you miss blue/green eggs!  It has been fun watching the ugly birds come to life. 

Almost ready to flee the nest 

Surprise a new addition to the family

Born May 3rd 2020
4 weeks old 

6 weeks old 

He was the biggest out of the litter of puppies. 
He is at least a third bigger then the rest. 

The kids love him to pieces. They won't put him down. 

NO More home school

While Kadyn was at Grandma's for the week the other kids got ice cream from a local police officer for wearing their helmets! 

Home schooling my kids was a pain in the butt! I realized I enjoy teaching just not my kids. Kadyn did get a 4.0  which was impressive and received 2 awards. and the other kids did very well also. I am glad it is over.  

The kids are alive and that's all that matters!