Saturday, September 29, 2018

more football and soccer

fire in California "Happy camp"

Adisyn got a black eye she said it was from Karsyn...I really don't know, I thought it was from her soccer game. 

Karsyn's friends from pre school

2 for 2 

Scored two times today! 

Ashlyn's game was cancelled so she was bummed! 

this week

Running to the bus and fell hard. He face planted on the cement! 

trying to do a hand stand 

His first play date in Baker 

It is good to know my kids are good at school! 

made it in the news paper 

Kadyn was gone for 4 days at outdoor school. 

He had a lot of fun! 

Family was happy to see him 

Saturday, September 22, 2018


Adisyn scored and she was so EXCITED!!! She ran to the side lines to smack everyone's hands! She is just too funny! 

Saturday, September 15, 2018


Brandyn brought me home some flowers. My favorite lily's.  

We went and visited Brandyn at work, because Karsyn kept asking to see where his dad worked. 

After 5 minutes he said ok I am ready to go! 

It is that exciting! 

Whoever knows Karsyn knows how stubborn he is. He refuses to learn his letters, numbers, anything that has to do with school. That is why I put him in Pre-K to see if he would listen to a teacher. And he actually sat down and did half of his homework. I was shocked it actually was a miracle. I even offered him ice-cream if he did it.  

Our neighbor has her grandchild come over and play and Karsyn loves it.  


Kadyn loves football 

bored out of their minds 

Kadyn's game was in Vale where Brandyn's grandma lives, so we had to go see her. 

She is so adorable! 

Look at her cute finger nails.