Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Gayla's funeral

 Normally I take a lot of pictures, but I just wasn't in the mood. I got a few shots, but they weren't the best. Oh well. 

Gayla's funeral was really hard. I broke down before I even walked into the viewing. It was like I was on a roller coaster. I was sad, then happy, then crying, then laughing, then ok, then back to being sad. Gayla was loved by so many. I hope she knew how much she was loved. So many people came to pay their respects and to also support the family. There were so many bouquets of flowers surrounding the casket. They were beautiful.   The service was done really well. The talks, stories, and memories were funny and well thought out. I laughed really hard.  Allie did a great job singing. I thought she was so brave to get up in front of everyone and sing such a heart felt song. 

Jaemi and Ben 

Holly and Uncle Brent 

Alan and mom with Karsyn 

Dad and Sharon 
Being at the cemetery was cold and windy. Karsyn was starting to get whiny and hungry. So I couldn't hear anything that was being said. Wade and I were asked if we were married. GROSS NO WAY! made me laugh though.  

Karsyn loves playing with Carson. Karsyn kept getting up on his chair to look around to see where he was. It was good to see everyone, but it is sad that we only get together for funerals. and of course lately it seems like a lot. 


I am hoping that no one else dies. I have been to 5 funerals of close family members in less than 2 years. I am done with them! 
eating after funeral 

Holly, Marty, and baby Betsy! 

Saturday, January 27, 2018

All about Kadyn

Kadyn did so well this year. He made his derby car all by himself and was so proud of it. The last 2 years he got last place or pretty close to last. This year he got 2nd place! He was so excited. 

He made a pizza car 

After the derby car race he had his first YMCA basketball game. They won 40 to 13. Kadyn was pretty upset he didn't score, but he will! 

family pictures

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Aunt Gayla

I will truly miss my Aunt Gayla. She passed away unexpectedly from a stroke on Monday January 22, 2018.   Her personality and laugh was so contagious. It didn't matter if I hadn't seen her in years she was so welcoming. My aunt lit up a room especially with her stories.  I haven't laughed so hard in my entire life almost on the verge of peeing my pants listening to her.  I will never forget her stories and jokes. I will miss going to Quincy and not seeing her. It just won't be the same, especially if we  play cards. She was the most giving and friendly person. I catch myself crying and then laughing thinking about her not being on this earth. It is surreal, I keep waiting for a phone call saying she woke up and she is back with us. 

She always had something in her hands. especially her purse that was really a suitcase. If I ever needed anything I knew it would be in there. I will also remember going to their house on J street growing up and always walking into the bathroom and Gayla was in the tub! Open door policy. lol! She would just laugh and we would continue on like nothing happened. I also remember her staying up late and playing video games. I thought that was so cool that a mom would stay up late playing games. I loved going through the junk drawer and eating whatever I wanted. I loved how they always had paper cups and plates. 

 It didn't matter who you were she would talk to you, and make you laugh! 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

chuck e cheese

Since we didn't have the best Christmas break. After we were all better we asked the kids what they wanted to do before school started again. They all wanted to go to Churck E Cheese. 

Basketball camp

Christmas break

Adisyn working on making her own chap stick 

We all were super sick. NOT FUN! Ashlyn started it off by having the "FLU" she got sent home from last day of school. Adisyn got the croup cough and ear infection that wouldn't go away. Karsyn and I both had ear problems with ruptured ear drum and walking phenomena. We went into Dr. office just for ears and was told that we had it. yikes.   Brandyn also felt like crap, but took care of us.