Monday, August 17, 2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015



weekend get away

Brandyn and I bought some furniture a while back and needed to go get it out of my dads house. We decided to make a fun weekend out of it.
 We went and watched Aiden tap dance
we went to a park that had lemonade out of the fountain, how cool is that!

picking black berries

Kadyn obsessed with guns

every time I turn around Karsyn is climbing on something!

Kadyn loves to play chess with grandpa

Kadyn loves to get everyone wet...until it is done to him!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Wellness Check

Karsyn had his 18 month check up
length: 3%
weight: 21lbs = 10%
head cir: 14 %

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July

This year Brandyn and I and the kids were heading over to the west side for the 4th. We were going to head over there Wednesday, and Tuesday night Brandyn came home from work walked in the door. He received a phone call to go out on a fire in Oregon. So off he went and he is still gone. So my plans changed and I was just going to buy a couple kid fire works and call it good. My friend Tiffany called and invited us over to her house for a BBQ. They are the neatest family. She has been so wonderful to us. She has made us feel so welcome. She has invited us over for play dates and dinner. We went over to her house and the kids played and ate. Then we headed over to another families house and had dessert and fireworks. The kids had a great time.

Kadyn on the slip and slide

slide and pool

tree swing

 Karsyn loved watermelon

This is my friends little girl who is Adisyn's age

 This is my friends boy who is Ashlyn's age
Karsyn loved the fireworks

This is my friend Tiffany with her little boy who is Karsyn's age. She also has a girl who is Kadyn's age. They all play really well together! It has been a long day its 11:46 and my kids are just going to bed. Wish us luck this could be a horrible day tomorrow!


Ashlyn and Adisyn love to dress up and dance their little hearts out!

Kadyn has been working on a recycling project for cub scouts. He made animals out of recyclable materials.

Kadyn's baptism