Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Karsyn is a very stubborn child, if he wants something he will find a way to get it.  He loves to climb on everything.

His favorite thing to do it spit and yell. He has found his lungs and his tounge.
Adisyn fell in the toilet. I don't know why she didn't put the child seat on.

The other day we looked out our window and there were so many Elk.
Adisyn loves attention...she loves Justin B just like her sister.
I have a video that is so much better, but the video is too long. BOO!


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Bandon part 2

At the petting zoo we bought food to feed the animals...we thought that was a great idea, little did we know

they would over whelm her.

the animals traumatized her.

she did not like the animals following her.

They cornered Ashlyn, because they knew she had some food.

They were able to pet a baby lion.

The goat liked karsyn. The goat also liked chewing on his stroller.

The baby tiger was so cute.

The animals were so close you could put your arm through and they would probably eat your arm off.



George the chimp, was something else. He loved the attention people would give him. He threw his poop at serveral people and it hit them.

They also were able to pet a Lynx

Brandyn kept going back to George the Chimp. 

 Brandyn was so impressed with this elks antlers

baby deer you could pet

This bear was so fat...
 Sorry about all the pictures I took 300 pictures so I condensed as much as possible.

Bandon Beach part 1

Adisyn woke up with swollen eyes and a rash over her whole body.

Karsyn's first trip to the beach