Monday, May 19, 2014

Ashlyn's birthday party

Ashlyn wanted a Hello Kitty theme

opening presents

popping balloon game

pin the bow on the kitty

Friday, May 16, 2014

Happy 6th Birthday Ashlyn

Our 8th Anniversary

Mother's Day

Karsyn 4 months old

Ashlyn's 6th Birthday. She insisted on pancakes with whip cream and sprinkles

opening presents after we went to Red Robin

Today was an interesting day. We started off the day by going to a funeral. Then celebrated Ashlyn's birthday, and then found out another lady I knew passed away this morning.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Kadyn's 7th birthday

I know I say this every year but I can't believe Kadyn is 7. He is such a smart and loving boy.

Luan was so nice to come and watch the kids for a week while I went to my sisters, and Brandyn had a work conference. We made it back just in time for Kadyn's birthday.

 We went to the Safari and had fun.

 We came home and he opened presents.
He had a great birthday!


Merlin and Kim picked me up from the airport
 These are  just a few of things we did...
At Caleb's baseball game freezing!

 Monday we went to the Mall Of America

Then we went and saw a waterfall and I cannot remember what it was called, but it was pretty.

 We also went to the Como Zoo

This is my sister and I taking a selfie.

eating at Down Towner

garage sale shopping

eating at Shamrock and oh my word that burger was so big Kim and I split one! It was sooo good!

I couldn't even put my whole mouth over it! Getting stood up by Merlin! Ha ha just kidding.

On Thursday we went and picked up some chicks and almost died from a tornado.
out of order but we saw a movie on Tuesday called the other woman and it was hilarious! on a side note that was the best theater I have ever been too. Reclining chairs, free popcorn, and it was really clean. The best part was spending time with my sister!
Thank you Kim and Merlin for letting me come. I had a blast. Thank you Caleb for letting me use your bathroom and sharing your mom.