Sunday, March 30, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014


Last night was not a good night. Between Brandyn and me I think we got about um...3 hours of sleep total. Adisyn just screamed and wouldn't go down. When we finally got her down, Karsyn would wake up screaming. I got tired of waking up to Adisyn screaming so I got up to get her. I went to go put her in my bed so Ashlyn could sleep. When I went to put her in my bed, Kadyn was in Brandyn's spot. I had to wake him up to move to Ashlyn's room. Because Brandyn was in his bed. Last time I checked Brandyn was on the couch with Karsyn sitting up so he could breathe. When he finally got Karsyn to sleep he came to get into bed and Kadyn was in my bed, so he went to Kadyn's room. Oh my word sleeping arrangements are crazy these days. anyways...the morning couldn't get here fast enough. We had to wait till 8:00am to call the doctors office to get the two kiddos in. The doctor we normally go to was full so we went to another doctor. Brandyn took them in and Karsyn and Adisyn both had ear infections. No wonder they were so angry. I learned my lesson  last Monday when I went straight from the doctors to Walgreen's. I didn't want to freak out on the person behind the counter so we decided to wait an hour and half and run a few errands. We went to go pick up the prescription and of course Adisyn's was done but Karsyn's was not. They were the same prescription they should ahve been done.  The lady said it would be another 45 minutes. I could have killed that chick, besides her making me angry she had weird eye brows. What in the world would we do with two screaming children for 45 minutes...well Walmart it was. Lets just say I am glad we are home now enjoying the sunshine with two kids drugged so we don't lose our minds.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


 Since it was St. Patricks day I made everything green for Kadyn. The other kids didn't want to eat!
 All day Adisyn just curled up in a ball and cried! 
 Ashlyn was feeling left out so I made her some green milk.

Adisyn not feeling well at all! 

Monday, March 17, 2014


Ashlyn isn't getting better so I took her and Adisyn into the doctors today. She has missed a week of school. Ashlyn has ear infections, fever, throwing up, broncitis, and a cold on top of that. Ashlyn hasn't slept in 5 days because she coughs so hard she throws up, and she refuses to eat anything.  Adisyn has a horrible cough, fever and a runny nose. I have the worst luck, because every time no matter how sick my kids are, we step into the office and my kids are NOT coughing, and play like they are fine. As soon as we get into the car they start coughing like crazy and are lethargic. I don't get it. The doctors gave them both an inhaler to open up their lungs so they can breathe. And Ashlyn also got amoxicillin for her ear infections. They are not happy campers right now. The kids went in their pj's to the doctors since I knew all they wanted to do was get drugs and go home and sleep. It didn't work like that today of course. I went to pick up their perscription today and of all days they said it will take an hour and ahalf. really? It's not like I live down the road, I live an hour away. So we had to find crap to do, so that means Walmart. I knew Walmart is full of crazy people, so they wouldn't look at me like why aren't your kids dressed, and why are they in public coughing up a lung. I went back to pick up prescritptions and my total bill was $123.00. My mouth dropped. Apparently our insurance doesn't cover a face mask. I said um...I will pass on the masks. Why do I need a mask anyway? The doctor never even mentioned I needed a mask. So long story short we  pretty much haven't slept in a week, and are a little cranky. Hopefully now that they have medication things will start looking up!

Sunday, March 16, 2014


 Brandyn wrestling with the kids

 I thought I would try and potty train Adisyn...NEVER mind. She loves to go on the potty, but refuses to go the bathroom. She loves to unroll the toilet paper and laugh hysterical.
 Since Wednesday Ashlyn has been sick throwing up, coughing, running nose, and plain doesn't feel good. Friday Adisyn and Kadyn both got the cough again, and Adisyn's nose hasn't stopped running. I feel like we can't get a break from sickness. I woke up at 3:00 to give Karsyn a bottle and I found Ashlyn on the couch, and Adisyn on the floor sleeping on her monkey in the living room.

I had to get a few things done around the house and I came back into the room to check on Karsyn and Kadyn was reading him a book. How cute is that! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

This week

 Kadyn and Ashlyn were home sick from school this week

 caught her!
 Today was a sunny day, so we took full advantage of it. We went on a walk and played outside!
 climbing a bush


I finally got Karsyn to smile on camera!