Sunday, November 24, 2013

Early Thanksgiving

 cousin pictures
 Poor Kannon got sick the night before, so we had to grab him form bed to be in at least a picture.
 Adisyn and Dyer
 Mykle and Wade were nice enough to host the dinner at their place. Mykle was a one person show. She made the whole dinner and it tasted delish!

 The newest addition to the family Blakely

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Not too much going on...

 Brandyn threw his back out and so he has been spending a lot of time on the floor. I came out and Adisyn was taking a nap next to him.
 Kadyn and Brandyn bonding over the Bronco's


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Adisyn's 2nd Birthday!

 The plan was to make a Dora Cake, but since I waited till the last minute the store didn't have any Dora stuff. Adisyn still loves Elmo but it wasn't what I had in mind. It all turned out in the end so that's all that matters.

Adisyn must have known she was two today...the terrible twos was in full effect today. She knows better then to jump on the couch. She looked right at me jumped from the cup holder onto the couch. and threw all my pillows on the floor.

Good thing Adisyn felt good today, because Brandyn and I did not. I hurried up and put makeup on and got dressed right before we took pictures. Brandyn asked Adisyn what she wanted for her birthday dinner. We didn't think she would say anything since she doesn't like to talk. she responded
"pizza!" it was pretty funny! She loved everything she got.